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I waited and waited.  I looked and looked.  Everyone said, keep looking you will see it soon.  I thought maybe you both forgot me, or that I did not deserve it.  But I kept looking.

And then it happened.


And I knew it was you.  And it was my birthday and I was missing you both so very much.  I felt it deep within my heart, and I cried.  I cried and cried and laughed a little and smiled and loved you with everything I have.

Thank you Loki and Salem, thank you for giving me the biggest, brightest most full of color rainbow I have ever seen.

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<3 Mommy

9 Responses to “And there it was.”

  1. Codie Rae says:

    A double rainbow at that! From both your boys!

  2. Michelle says:

    See they did give you a sign. Even a double sign. How awesome is that.

    Hugs & Happy Birthday Kendi

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. salembynxmommy says:

    I know! When I saw the second one start to form I could not believe it

  4. benny55 says:

    Oh Yeeeeeees!! A HUGE “howdy” from your boys! And on your birthday!! Are you kidding me!! And right within your view! Oh yeah, we definitely have a communication directly from Salem and Loki…..TOGETHER…..watching over you!!

    At first I just saw the one and tnought WOW!! This is great!! Then I read the respnses and saw there were two!! OMC! Doesn’t get any better than this!!

    I’m so happy for you Kendi! Giess the boys wanted to wait a bit and make sure their message was strong enough and obviius enough that you would pay atte tion!! No “ifs, ands or buts” about this…..Salem and Loki put a whole lot of their energy into making those beautiful rainbows for you!

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! Best present in the world! I’m still all goosey bumpy!! Delightful gift, just delightful!!!

    Thankyou so much for sharing and bringing smiles to our hearts today!

    Hey, and thak you for being born!! Where woild Dodger, Salem, Loki and all the wonderful animal souls be if you had not been here to care for them?? You are their rainbow!!

    Sending love!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  5. krun15 says:

    Beautiful! I’m so happy you kept looking.

    Karen and Spirit Maggie

  6. jerry says:

    Ohhhh my gosh! Best Birthday Present EVER! Hoppy Birthday!!! What a gift of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing the great pix.

  7. Christine says:

    How cool is that??? WAYYYYYYYY COOOOOL!!!! and you know I could picture them sitting by the creek at the Bridge planning that!! both their tails wishing back and forth.. just like a double rainbow!
    I believe in signs.. and that is a beautiful one!!
    Hope you had a Happy Birthday with smiles!
    Christine… with Franklin in her heart♥

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