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I know that all my decisions are not everyones favorite.  I’m honestly not asking for everyone in the world to be ok with everything I do.  The only person that needs to be ok with what I do, is myself.  I feel like, if you don’t like it, that sok, but man…respect that it was my decision to make, hell even if it was a mistake.  I think mistakes are how we grow.  If I never learn anything, whats the point of being alive?

I admit, I have been pretty pretty depressed over Salem.  Loki was hard enough, then to lose Salem so soon after, it was earth shattering.  I thought I wouldn’t have to go through it alone, I thought Id have my BFF here to help me.  Now in my darkest hour she has turned on me…why?  because of this face…

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i see her point of perhaps its too soon for me.  But thats all I see.  I don’t think my mom and brother did anything wrong in getting Dodger, I don’t think ALL of my friends but her are lying to me and are secretly talking crap behind my back, I don’t think it makes me love or hurt any less over Loki and Salem.  I have a dog and another cat, I LOVE them very very much.  Nothing can change this.

Its just odd to me that the heart she once adored about me…is her reason for being so mad.

Oh well…

<3 Kendi and Warrior Salem Bynx, plus Dodger

3 Responses to “Being Human Sucks.”

  1. benny55 says:

    Okay, now granted, I haven’t seen your friend’s face…but I have seen Dodger’s! Heck I’d take Dodger’s face anyday of the week!! What a cutie!

    A little “arm chair physcology”…sounds like your friend may have a little too much of the “control” gene going on here! It’s NOT about the cat! Sounds like you aren’t into being controlled anymore…….just sayin’!

    And no…there are no mistakes…everything in life is presented to us as an opportunity to grow, to learn. You already get that. It could be that your friend is now being presented with an oppotunity to expand vut just isn’t willing to reflect inward right now. Lessons will continue to be presented to her for her own journey’s growth.

    Let her know that there will be no further discussion. There is no right…there is no wrong…just two differing opinions. And right now…your is the one that counts!!

    You are doing what is RIGHT for YOU! And you need NO outside validation for your soul is guiding you to do! And Salem has his “paw of approval” all over bringing you and Dodger together.

    Stay true to who you are…know who you are…and celebrate who you are! It takes a very special soul with a huge capacity for love to want to share it with Dodger and others in your life. What a gift you are!

    Hugs to all and extra kitty kisses to that ADORABLE Dodger!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Michelle says:

    Some people can not just be happy for others. I told you the other day the only person who knows if you are ready to open your heart is you. Some people can’t bare the emptiness and open their hearts right away and others wait. NO RIGHT OR WRONG DECISION. Let me also say this, no one on here is talking crap about you behind your back about this or anything else. We all enjoy new babies brought into the fold. Its hard enough to lose one you love let alone make it more difficult when someone brings a new one into their lives. Your friend should not have said the mean things she did. I for one am sorry that you had to go through that. I feel that Salem brought you Dodger. How could that precious baby be in the shelter for 7 months and no one take him home??? He was meant to be yours. Love him & treasure him. You will see moments of Salem in him all the time I am sure.
    Your loving heart is what makes you the special person that could take Dodger in. Remember that and love on him

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. fourminipups says:

    I think Sally covered it all and said it perfectly. Plus, It sounds like yourecognize what works for you regardless of opinions of certain people. Hang in there, hug Dodger and hold Salem’s memories close.

    Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

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