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Hello all!

This time last year I was a completely different person.  I had no idea how to handle losing Salem, especially after losing Loki so soon before him.  I thought I couldn’t go on, that I was done with life.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

A year ago today, I convinced my mother it was a wonderful idea to donate various items to a local cat shelter.  She was leery, but thought maybe just maybe it would bring me out of my funk.

They let us into a free roam room with so many kittens it was crazy!  They were all climbing on us, wanting attention.  At one point I had three of them in my arms at one time.

Then I saw him.

He was just sitting there in a cat tree, stretched out, looking up at me with his little two toned nose.  I picked him up and he instantly nuzzled me.  I felt a tingle in my heart.

I wasn’t ready, I didn’t want another kitty.  But I also didn’t want to let him go.

When we went out to the counter I inquired about him.  They said his name was Ben Franklin, that he had been in a litter of 5 other cats, all of which had been adopted immediately.  This little tyke had been in the shelter for 6 months, just waiting.

Waiting for me.

My mom was PISSED.  She didn’t think I was ready, that I was moving too fast.  She wouldn’t even speak to me on the car ride home.  I honestly didn’t think i would even get approved, so I felt her anger was pointless.

One of my best friends in KY was the person I put down for my friend reference.  I hadn’t even gotten home and she told me they had called and she truly hoped I was able to adopt.  I was surprised they had called so fast.  When i got home, the Vet office had called, I chose the one who had helped us SO much with Salem, they too said they hoped we were able to adopt as they knew I was such an amazing kitty mom.

The next day the shelter called and said, when can you get him??  My head spun, maybe this WAS too fast…maybe I needed to slow down…think it through…but my heart…it called for him.  Mom did her…Heavy sigh you’re gonna do it anyway aren’t you noise…and I simply nodded.  To be honest…I had felt so lonely…so by myself.  My bed seemed so cold and empty.  My room felt like a cage.  I still had Jack and Athena…but I was missing that bond that only Salem and I had.  I still had yet to truly bond with Athena (however THAT has changed more than anything this last few months) I was 100% lonely.

Christmas Eve came.  I left work, not sure what was about to happen.  Was I really making the right choice here?  Mom and I went to the shelter, we waited as they got him ready, finally coming out and placing him in my arms.  I felt an instant sigh of relief, of love.  I heard mom behind me say “OMG…he’s…he’s adorable.”  I smiled brightly, snuggling his little body against my face.  I was so distracted that I didn’t notice mom had went and paid his adoption fees.  Apparently her and my brother had decided to surprise me by doing so.

We went home and I spent the night laughing and playing with him.  I named him Dodger for a reason…  A) It’s one of my all time favorite disney characters… B) The character is one of Oliver’s best friends in the movie  C) I used to sing a song from the same movie to Salem every day.  It just felt right.

In a few days not only will it be Christmas, but it will mark a year that the two of us started our journey.  He is so funny, so curious, so loving.  He’s incredibly spoiled, but so is every other animal I own…including a turtle!

He is NOT a replacement for Salem as some people seemed to think…

He is no where the same as Salem and I don’t want him to be.  He is his own kitty, he’s special and he waited for me to come get him.

My grinch heart grew a few sizes bigger that day.


My big curious boy

We all wish you a very merry HOPPY holiday season!!!


<3 Kendi Dodger Jack Athena and the angel babies Salem and Loki

4 Responses to “Hoppy Holidays!!!”

  1. jerry says:

    Awww yay! Congratulations on finding the kitty who was meant to be a part of your life. There are so many great years ahead for you guys, what a team you make!

    And yes, you are strong, brave and awesome. With Dodger and Spirit Salem by your side, there’s nothing but good times in store.

    Hoppy Howlidays to you too!

  2. Michelle says:

    Awesome. I remember talking to you about him and the adoption. I can’t believe it has been a year. Way to break down those barriers Dodger your mom needed you. Salem way to send Dodger & rescue your mom she needed it.

    Merry Christmas.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. Renee says:

    Honey you could never be a grinch. But I do believe your heart did indeed grow two sizes. You have a big heart and I knew that kitty would be happy and loved. And I was right <3

  4. tinav323 says:

    That is such a lovely story. He is so adorable. It’s always so weird how some critters from a litter can go so fast, and yet others, like Dodger and Oliver from the movie, do not. Dodger was an awesome character, and that is such a good movie.

    Glad you and Dodger found each other. 🙂

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