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Mommy and Me!

Mommy and Me!

So Jack is my 10 yr old Cocker Spaniel.  I have had him since he was 4 months old, and yes I got him at a pet store.  He was my first real pet that was outside of hamsters, guinea pigs etc LOL.

His story is that, long story short my gram had lived with us since I was 5.  She came to help my mom raise two kids when my dad remarried/passed away.  I remember a week or so after my Gram had passed away just not feeling myself and for some reaosn I HAD to go look at puppies.  (Seriously, Ellen had just showed her new pup to the world on her show and I was like OMG I NEED TO GO)  At 20 yrs old I was begging my mom to take me to a pet store.  And she did.  The first place we went to had randomly closed, so I convinced her to drive 40 mins out of our way to a pet store in a mall of all places LOL.  We always played this game, what would you name them, how big do you think they will get, etc.  BUT NEVER EVER hold one.  It was the rules LOL.

I was playing along and then I saw him.  He was just laying there, his face looking exactly how I felt inside and I heard myself ask mom if I could hold him.  And she actually said, “ok”.

They brought him out and we sat in the little room.  I got on the floor and he turned into an entirely NEW puppy.  He was all over me, yipping, jumping, licking my face, eating my shoe laces, MAN I laughed SO hard.  I forgot that mom and bren were there, Bren was annoyed I was even playing with the dog (he was in a “everything dies” mood) suddenly I heard him say “mom just bought you the dumb dog.”  I got up, scooped him up and bounded out of the room telling him I loved him and his name was Jack Daniels and he was mine and I was his, I was SO excited.  I grabbed all kinds of toys, a collar you name it.  My brother rolled his eyes and I skipped out of the mall LOL.  Later we found out that THAT was the day my gram was cremated.

Such a good pup

Such a good pup

I had SUCH a bad case of insomnia, so I was up all night every night with him and my mom watched him while I was at work.  But for the most part Jack would sit with me on my lap (when he was little! lol) while I was on the computer.  He was such a good boy and he actually distracted me ALOT.

The little guy has gone though a lot with us.  Two huge moves, a groomer that abused him (and I protested outside of this past summer), ear infection after ear infection, dealing with kitties (and being great!) and yet he is still here being “Just Jack.”

My mom will tell you this… if ANYONE is going to correct him, do something with him he will not like, walk him, etc…yeah its ME.  I’m the only one he hasn’t gone after if he was mad or angry.  I can get him to drop anything.  When we had to go from groomer to groomer I was the one that had to take him and sit in the rooms with him until we found one that he was ok being with.  (I think it helps because she is a friend of mine and I TRUST her.)  Don’t get me wrong he loves everyone, but I think its pretty clear I’m his mommy 🙂

Right now the poor little guy has a new type of med in his ears, and it has made him deaf.  He still has 1 1.2 weeks of this crap.  I can see it on his face hes so lost cause he can’t hear.  He just looks at me and follows me around. But hopefully this will really make him feel better.  He is at least sleeping most of the night now.  He also might have a thyroid issue which we are waiting tests on.  Though I have started wet food with his dry and it seems to be making him feel more full and hes not doing gross things like eating his poop HEHEHE.  🙂

He has been VERY good with Dodger and the two of them are hilarious together.  My mom says that he and Athena were both sleeping on her lap last night but theres no proof so I dunno… LOL

Now… for a random Dodger pic just cause 🙂

YEP how he sits.

YEP how he sits.

Now, this little guy ALSO has an issue.  He has a kitty cold.  His eye is all crazy, the third eye lid is covering it.  Yes hes on meds.  He went to the vet with Jack the other day.  SIGH.  One thing after the other here.   One day we will have peace.  LOL

<3 Kendi


4 Responses to “Jack the Incredible Cocker Spaniel!”

  1. benny55 says:

    It’s wonderful to hear from you again!, Looks like Salem’s been watching over everyone just

  2. benny55 says:

    grrrr stupid computer freezing….more later

  3. jerry says:

    Jack it’s so nice to meet you!

    Sounds like you came along right when you were needed, what a gift from Grammie!

    Oh and it’s nice to see you too Dodger. Hope you both feel better soon.

  4. benny55 says:

    Wanted to comeback and finish posting.

    Yeah, that Jack melts hearts for sure! Soooooooo cute!!

    Your Gram guided you to him without question! Clearly she knew he was exactly what yoj and yor family needed…and what he needed too!

    I keep scrolling back and looking at his picture. He’s just adorable. And still very much looks like a puppy.

    He kows your his pack leader and respects you for it. He sounds like a very smart boy who kows how to use his personality to get what he wants!

    Reallh sorry he’s havng sich ear issues. And to think the medici e is maki g him deaf…ugh…i know it’s just a temporary thing, but still “ugh”!

    And Dodger has really filled out nicely! Looking verh fi e in his black and white tuxedo! Again, Salem and Loki sent him to you nd they’re loving watching all the joy all of you are having…because they’re having a blast with Gram!!

    Thanks for lettingjs meet Jack AND seeing his precious mig!

    Hugs to all a d look forward to hearing more avout your wo derful pack!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

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