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Hi everyone!!!  No, I didn’t disappear or leave the site, Im still here!

I have been very busy and to be honest, a little down, a lot down actually.  My “friend” had a big blow out with me, where she publicly on facebook tried to tarnish my reputation.  It truly hurt my feelings.  To give a small insight to what was going on, she was upset that I got Dodger sooner than SHE thought I should.  Said it proved I NEVER loved Salem or Loki and that I was just a crazy cat lady.  She kept making my grief all about her, while saying I was being selfish and uncaring.  I never said a hurtful thing to her but apparently, I lied and was “searching” for a newer model before Salem even died.  NOT at all.  I DID search for a place to make a donation, but that is not “cat” shopping.  Besides, I ALWAYS pet window shop.  Who doesn’t????

Enough about that…

I have also been working full time, going to school full time AND just started an over night training course for a second job.  SO thats where I have really been.  I am at work right now typing this lol 🙂

So Dodger has been fitting in pretty well.  He is quite the trouble maker though.  He really likes playing with Jack and is terrified of Athena.  Last night he got into a bucket of cleaning water and trashed the bathroom, after figuring out how to open the darn door LOL.  He has trashed my room over and over, thrown his water bowl in the air.


I wouldn’t trade it for a second.  He is also incredibly loving.  He LOVES snuggling with me and loves being held close.  He also really likes pouncing my feet at night lol.

I almost see a little bit of both Loki and Salem in him.  A little bit of country a little rock and roll LOL 🙂

Anyway, I will try to write more and still keep you all posted 🙂

<3 Kendi

3 Responses to “Yikes! I have been slacking!”

  1. Michelle says:

    Its fun to laugh again and not be sad. Its not that we forget our babies but they brought those new ones to us and want us to be happy and not sad all the time. I know I miss Sassy everyday. I have moments where tears flow but that is normal. I know Sassy wants me to smile and love Snickers and Jazz just like Salem & Loki want you to love Dodger and smile as you watch him play.

    I believe that our babies pick out the next ones to fill our hearts with love. Not to replace them but to help us heal and make someone else loved as much as they were. No one will ever replace them but we make room for someone else. 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. jerry says:

    Aww Kendi, you are so sweet and real and awesome, please don’t let that so-called friend get you down. You are one amazing human, we know that and you need to believe it too. Never let anyone tell you how to live. Follow Dodger’s lead and you can’t go wrong.

    We’re glad you updated!

  3. benny55 says:

    YES! Ditto Michelle and Jerry!!

    So glad that womderful Dodger is bringing you joy and laughter and love……which is exactly why Salem and Loki sent yoj Dodger exactly when they did!

    And gosh, please do NOT waste anymore energy on that very dysfunctional and controlling acquaintance and not let her mean spirited words have any power over you, okay? Kowing what you knw now, this is NOT so eo e you would want as a friend! YOU know who you are and so do we! You are a kind loving soul who loves yor animal friends dearly and they know it and they love you back!

    We need to see more pictures of Dodger…it’s been too long!

    And good for you for taking steps towards a better job. Proud of you!

    Hugs to you and all your pack!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

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