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Turkey Theif

Guardian Loki


As I mentioned before, Loki really lived up to his name sake.  He was always in trouble.  Most of the time I would catch the acts on camera as I found them so funny I would have to grab my cell for a picture.  My mom on the other hand would usually not be as thrilled as I was.

Last year on thanksgiving, we had just got done our large meal for three.  (Mom, me and my brother) Our family lives far away so it usually is just us for the holidays.  It is something we are very comfortable with by this point.  However, this year someone wanted to be apart of the family dinner.

nom noms

nom noms

Loki had gotten up on the table and went right for my mom’s plate.  She kept telling me to get him, but instead I took a picture!  As you can see she was not happy, I however was hysterical. After she had shooed him away, he came over to my plate.

Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me

The very next day my brother made the big mistake of putting his left over plate on the floor.  I sat there watching as Loki came in, grabbed the biggest piece of turkey he could get (it was twice the size of his head!) and took off with it.  My brother just watched in shock.  even more so surprising, that cat ate the whole thing HAHA.

I know that a lot of these stories are very much just personal little blurps, but they have all meant the world to me and are what make me miss them the most.  Any stories you guys would like to hear next???

<3 Kendi and Guardian Lokitty


4 Responses to “Turkey Theif”

  1. Michelle says:

    I love it. I know Snickers & Jasmine would do something like that right now LOL. I am hoping to train them not to steal food off of plates. Love the Loki stories. Anything Salem did like this?

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. benny55 says:

    Loki! Yo are a masterful turkeytheif!! And yeah, your “Grandma” is NOT happy about it, but it’s the holoday season for kitties too!

    There are wonderful stories AND we get pictures too! Now that’s what makes these blogs even more special!

    Okay, next story subject…how ’bout a “blurb” tellingis about Lok whennyou first got him…how did he react…what did he enjoy…what was something cute he did that makes you smile!?

    Pass the turkey please!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • salembynxmommy says:

      Oh! I can’t wait to tell you about how we met 🙂 It was just as adventourous as our life together! and I have TONS of pictures hehehe

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